
MY DUQUE has evolved from the luxury of taking time to breathe and really reset your heart on a new project.

Modern solutions for today’s lifestyle developed with passion for both practicality and design. This is the perfect challenge incorporating years of experience within each field, knowing your strengths, knowing your market and being able to define a niche.

Beatrice (Schur) had the keen idea of combining daily needs with a new product. After (years) in a leading family business it was time to let go. Both she and her husband André, also together in the same successful business, felt that their energy needed a different channel. The corporate decision making of large companies can be restricting, and frustrating so starting something new is both refreshing and exciting.

Practical is a word that comes up time and time again - what is the use in having something that’s not helping people to make their lives easier? The goal was set.

What is MY DUQUE?

Quite simply!
MY DUQUE is a brand committed to create products that complement a healthy lifestyle.

Meet the first product model “Max”. The genius shopping caddy.

We all recognize the shopping trolleys which you pull behind you, but these are often small and limiting. MY DUQUE’s Max rolls effortlessly ahead, you can guide so easily with just one hand. Max is perfect for a day in the city shopping, a picnic in the park or perfect for open-air events. Take Max in the car (it folds down flat), on the bus or on the train.

Doing more for both you and the environment, a healthy lifestyle addition. We hope to add more product shortly.

Beatrice approached Louisa (House) with the idea. They have known each other for over a decade - with a natural respect and sense of fun it was an easy match.

Together first thoughts were bounced around, great sparring partners and an ideal team. André, as devils advocate, stirring up the development. So back and forth the creative process began. It is the element of fun that shines through, MY DUQUE, called their daughter on one call and so …

MY DUQUE stuck with us!
No your Duque!

We really hope you will enjoy these products. They are designed with a sense of moving on, moving forward and looking towards a better future. We can all do something to help the planet. Even baby steps count … let us walk more, carry less.